Summer Flowers

Good evening Picking Wild Flowers! The month of July passed us by in a blink of an eye! We’ve had a super busy and fun summer including birthday boat rides, mountains in Colorado, ice cream at the fair and many wedding festivities! I have also enjoyed spending time in my garden…even in this heat!


Here are a couple of my recent arrangements! Currently I am harvesting Zinnias, Statice, Marigolds, and snapdragons.


I had an adorable helper this weekend! She said her vase of flowers was picked for her mom! How sweet is that! ❤ Kendra your daughter is so precious!


Besides flowers; we harvested radishes, a few tomatoes and lettuce. The sweet corn should be ready soon and the sunflowers are reaching close to 8 feet tall.


Elizabeth also had a blast helping Megan and I with chores! The cows are enjoying their time in the pasture! Soon they will be transitioning to the next paddock.


Until next time!

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